Sunday, 13 May 2012

Triangle Skies

Last night I went to support my friends band who played a gig at the Annandale Hotel. 
Great venue, great music and great company ensured it was a great night!!

It was so much fun catching up with my beautiful friend Jess who's a very talented artist, art teacher and art enthusiast. (I wish I could say she has her own blog but she doesn't... yet lol). I also caught up with an old friend Mattos who's recently come back from a stint in Japan. He's a graphic designer and crazy-good at drawing. Check out his blog
It was so nice chating about all things creative - art, style, fashion, music etc with people who inspire me.

Triangle Skies is the name of the band and they were amazing! The band consists of my friend Dean on the drums, his mega-talented sister Holly doing vocals, Brendan on guitar and Andrew on bass. I'm sure many more gigs will follow because they killed it!!
You can check out more info about the band as well as any upcoming gigs at

Annandale Hotel has a rich history of being one of Sydney's best known venues for live music, especially of the rock n roll genre. I love the cool vibe of the place and the almost run-down appeal with graffiti walls, quirky artwork and original structure. Many of Australia's most successful acts played on the stage early in their career. A lot of International bands have also played there so it was awesome to see my friends up there rocking out.

Annandale Hotel has had some recent struggles with debt and has launched a campaign to 'Save The Dale'. To help out visit to purchase your own brick and help keep live music alive.


Pics - Annandale Hotel, Instagram

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