Saturday, 31 May 2014

All The Pretty Things

Online window shopping is my favourite hobby lately. It's fun yet torturous looking at all the pretty things I don't have or would love to purchase. Along with my laptop, Gossip Girl will also be keeping me company for the rest of the weekend. Long live Chuck Bass..


Pics - Chanel bags and cigarette drags

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Dear Poppy

Well you're 16 weeks old now and I can't believe how quickly the time is flying! You must be wondering why we keep referring to you as 'Poppy'.. well, like it or not, it was your very first nickname and it's kinda stuck. When your dad and I first found out about you, you were the size of a poppy seed. So tiny! Ever since you have been our little Poppy and we are so excited that you are ours.

I'm so curious to know if you're a boy or a girl! Everybody keeps asking if we will find out and I can't wait to know. Although I love the idea of the surprise, I won't be able to wait that long. I'm itching to decorate your nursery and buy teeny tiny little clothes in either blues and greens, or pinks and purples (even though yellow is my favourite colour so I think it will become a staple of your wardrobe no matter what!)

I'm also curious to know what you will look like. I wonder if you will have your dad's beautiful light green/blue eyes or his funny laugh. Or maybe you'll have my fair skin or my crooked pinky fingers that can never quite straighten properly. I wonder what your favourite movie will be or what kind of music you'll like. I wonder if you'll be an introvert or an extrovert; love sports or prefer reading books; like sweet or savoury foods; or maybe you'll be a bit of everything with an open mind and lots of different interests. I can't wait to discover everything about you and watch you grow up. I hope that no matter what, you are happy, healthy and love who you are. That's all a parent can ever ask for right?

I have to admit that it's a little scary thinking about bringing a baby into the world. As much as your immediate world will be filled with friends and family who love you, the truth is that the big wide world out there isn't always so friendly. I hope this doesn't disappoint you and I really don't mean to ruin your view of the world. I just want to be honest with you and hope that you will grow up with good judgement and know who you can and can't trust.

In 5 months time your dad and I will finally get to meet you. You're due in November which you'll soon see is such a nice time of year! Beautiful spring weather, lots of cute baby animals, summer is right around the corner and it's just before Christmas which is my absolutely favourite day. All of your extended family can't wait to meet you either so Christmas will be extra special this year. 

Until then you'll have lots of growing to do. I'm looking forward to feeling you move and kick for the first time. If you are anything like me, you'll be constantly backflipping and cartwheeling and find it hard to keep still. Whereas if you're like your dad, you'll prefer to chill out and relax with minimal activity. I guess we will soon find out!

Well that's about it for the time being. I hope you're ok in there!

Love you Poppy

Pics - Google