Monday, 17 June 2013


Blogging while marathon-ing on this fine Winter's morning. 
Now before I let everyone think that I'm skilled enough to run around the block while holding my laptop, I need to clarify that my marathon is of the television kind. Sex And The City to be exact. 
I'm loving revisiting all the early seasons and going back through their stories. I'm totally enthralled (once again) in the love triangle between Carrie, Big and Aiden. Hence, this particular post is taking sooo much longer then normal! (Multi-tasking is not my strong point).
Need to finish this post, stretch up, rehydrate and get back to the marathon..


Pics - Snob, Fashion Chalet, They All Hate Us, Google

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


I know it's delayed, but I am still seriously 
Phil Oh's Street Style photography from MBFWA 2013!

He captured the quintessential style of the land down-under with ease: 
effortlessly chic, perfectly put together and ultimately cool.

Go you good thing!


Pics - Vogue Street Style

Monday, 3 June 2013

Been Too Long

Well hello there... it's been a little while!
No excuse is decent enough for the hiatus, just been plain lazy. 
But truth be told, I missed my little blog a lot. So please enjoy this arrangement of loveliness, chosen specifically for your viewing pleasure.

Much love.


Pics - Stockholm Streetstyle, Chic Garden, They All Hate Us, Snob